Rani Devi and her seven-month old son at the Anganwadi Centre which works to improve infant and maternal health in the state of Bihar.
Photograph by Sanjit Das.
“Dream no small dreams. They have no power to stir the souls of men.” — Victor Hugo
New York. We had the good fortune to visit again recently, this time by invitation from dear friends to join them at an exhibition celebrating the U.S. release of RISE, a collection of photos and stories documenting selected social entrepreurship projects of the Dubai-based Legatum Foundation in Haiti, Mali, Ethiopia Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia, India and China. The photos and stories in the RISE book are as sobering as they are compelling. The Ana Tzarev Gallery was a beautiful venue for the exhibition, although it was difficult (and maybe that’s the point) to sip champagne while grappling with the daily struggle for survival faced by so many in our world. Each new round of photographs required a summoning of composure and courage to press on. The quote by Victor Hugo (with which begins the book) captured the mood perfectly. So much can be done. Continue reading