You know you’ve hit a low point when . . . you decide what’s for breakfast based on what will keep the morning dose of antibiotics down. This was my rationale today, as a means to end the latest bout of plagues that have tormented my poor children!
You know you’ve hit a low point when . . . you decide what’s for breakfast based on what will keep the morning dose of antibiotics down. This was my rationale today, as a means to end the latest bout of plagues that have tormented my poor children!
I’ve often felt that Valentine’s Day was just a “Hallmark” holiday — with greeting cards, red roses, jewelry or the latest tech-toy (iPad? — now there’s an idea) required for the obligatory demonstration of “love.” See Linus’s dilemma in “Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown.” At times, I’ve been tempted to become cynical and boycott the whole thing. But then I had children. Seeing life through their eyes — which are full of delight and awe for nearly everything — has helped me appreciate Valentine’s Day as a chance to say “I love you!” to their small world, and to revel in homemade gifts made by little hands from construction paper, scissors and watercolor paints.
To be inspired to cook is an easy thing, but to be inspired to cook with emotion? Well, very few do this as well as “Tita.”
“Se desprenden con mucho cuidado los pétalos de las rosas, procurando no pincharse los dedos, pues aparte de que es muy doloroso (el piquete), los pétalos pueden quedar impregnados de sangre y esto, aparte de alterar el sabor del platillo, puede provocar reacciones químicas, por demás peligrosas. Pero Tita era incapaz de recordar este pequeño detalle ante la intensa emoción que experimentaba al recibir un ramo de rosas, de manos de Pedro.” (Como Agua Para Chocolate, del Capítulo III, Marzo, Codornices en Pétalos de Rosas)