Guess who brought me a special treat last night? While I was home, slogging through the “witching hour” and the bedtime routine with the two shortest (grouchiest) people in the house, Dave was in Denver for a dinner meeting. It was conveniently located near “d bar” — and my genius husband thought to bring a little something home for me. This is a place I now need to visit after one look at the most original bon-bons I have ever laid eyes on. Not only are they individual pieces of art, but they are ethereal to the tongue. The hardest part is not being able to have my cake and eat it too, so to speak. I want to keep adoring the jewel-chocolates, but I also want to eat them. Life is full of tough choices, but one must forge (forage in this case?) ahead and so . . . we ate. Afterward I told Dave: “I think I’m experiencing eater’s remorse.” As delicious as the chocolates were, I couldn’t help but morn the loss of such art. Ironic. Now, we only sampled three so far (he gets half, I get half: we eat them at the same time in order to synchronize the experience… how’s that for obsessive?), but the blue one was a dark chocolate shell with ganache. The second was the light caramel color shown at the end of the line, with, as you would guess- caramel inside. The third was the yellow turning to orange (shown second to last in the line-up) which was white chocolate filled with an unbelieveable passion fruit mousse center). Think transcendence. Sorry, no shots of the insides . . . we were too busy savoring to think of pictures. You will have to see the truth for yourselves someday.

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