Jasmine Green Tea Ice Cream with Meyer Lemon

I don’t know about you, but I have entered “THAT” part of the year. The part where I start dreaming of warmer weather, and then sink into a mini-depression knowing that the biggest snows and the coldest temperatures have yet to come. Sigh. So, in the kitchen, I’ve been eating a lot of two things: citrus and chocolate. Keys to my happiness.    Continue reading

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Food Bloggers Unplugged Q & A

Tag — I’m it! Sally, at My Custard Pie, just tagged me to answer the Food Blogger’s Unplugged Q & A.

So far, I think I’ve been pretty good at keeping all my deepest darkest food secrets under wraps, but I suppose I may as well start 2012 transparently! Here goes . . .

What or who inspired you to start your blog?

I have always wanted to write about food, and back in the “olden days” before blogs existed, I thought “if only I could write for a food magazine.” Well, it was early in 2005 when I received an email from my dear friend Nicky, which said: “we’re working on a little project — coming soon!” In March of that year, she sent me an email with a link: www.deliciousdays.com. I clicked, and the rest was history. Though Nicky’s blog wasn’t the first in the game, it remains one of the best. I thought: how FUN! I want to do that too. But I was busy experiencing morning sickness (in which case, even reading food blogs made me nauseous), having babies and being so sleep deprived that starting my own blog was just a fantasy. In the meantime, though, I got to know lots of beautiful food blogs out there, and besides delicious:days, Ximena’s fantastic sketches on Lobstersquad were inspiring, as were Béa’s stories, told in such a nurturing way, of food and life from La Tartine Gourmande.

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Pastel de Tres Leches

Last night we rang in the new year with some spice. The tamales made an appearance, but only for a short time as they were quickly devoured. Then — there was Pastel de Tres Leches for dessert. This cake is believed to have originated in Nicaragua, but you can go to many Latin American countries and find it now. Essentially, it is a white cake that is baked and then soaked with a trio of milks: condensed, evaporated, and cream. And don’t forget the rum.

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