Tag — I’m it! Sally, at My Custard Pie, just tagged me to answer the Food Blogger’s Unplugged Q & A.

So far, I think I’ve been pretty good at keeping all my deepest darkest food secrets under wraps, but I suppose I may as well start 2012 transparently! Here goes . . .
What or who inspired you to start your blog?
I have always wanted to write about food, and back in the “olden days” before blogs existed, I thought “if only I could write for a food magazine.” Well, it was early in 2005 when I received an email from my dear friend Nicky, which said: “we’re working on a little project — coming soon!” In March of that year, she sent me an email with a link: www.deliciousdays.com. I clicked, and the rest was history. Though Nicky’s blog wasn’t the first in the game, it remains one of the best. I thought: how FUN! I want to do that too. But I was busy experiencing morning sickness (in which case, even reading food blogs made me nauseous), having babies and being so sleep deprived that starting my own blog was just a fantasy. In the meantime, though, I got to know lots of beautiful food blogs out there, and besides delicious:days, Ximena’s fantastic sketches on Lobstersquad were inspiring, as were Béa’s stories, told in such a nurturing way, of food and life from La Tartine Gourmande.