Grandma Salazar’s Sopaipillas

Say the word “sopaipilla” and a lot of people get excited. Are you one of them? I have memories of Grandma Salazar’s sopaipillas dating back to my earliest years, along with the memories of piping hot ones straight from my mom’s kitchen. Visit either woman to this day and you might just talk her into a fresh batch. What was normal fare for us, turned out to have a cult-following among friends we’ve known through the years. I have to admit, I never eat any that aren’t homemade. So, the ol’ restaurant sopaipilla sundae topped with chocolate drizzle was always a foreign thing to me.  Why would you abuse your sopaipilla like that?

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Art in New York

It’s been about a week since we returned from our little getaway to NYC. I am happy to say that I now fully understand all the I (Heart) NY paraphanelia. New York City is brimming with art, and artists, and it’s no wonder so many people love to live there, and love to visit. Being there is inspiring, and because my husband happens to be incredibly romantic (yet anti-cliché…there were no smooching visits to the Empire State building), he planned a few “tastes” for my introduction to this lively city. Here are a few impressions…

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Posted in winter, anytime, restaurants | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Crimini & Fettucine

Maybe it’s the short days, or the freezing temperatures, but around this time of year I inevitably fall into a rut in the kitchen. The same old cold-weather standbys just don’t beckon like they do in October and November, and I start dreaming of spring (which is a long way off around here). And maybe because I spent all of December in the kitchen, I’m just not in the mood for menu-planning or cooking anything requiring more than a couple of steps.

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